With Fashion's Night Out and the RJ Cutler documentary, Anna Wintour and her beloved [Vogue] have been in the spotlight of late.
The "real" September Issue of Vogue [all 584 pages of it] plays up to this, stating on the cover "In the REAL September Issue...".
Despite all the hoo-hah, Wintour remains frank and honest. In her editor's note she writes:
"Speaking of great adventures, some of you will have seen The September Issue, R.J. Cutler's documentary about how we put together the 2007 version of this issue. It's difficult to speak about a film that scrutinizes oneself, but at Vogue we're very happy with the result. I hope that viewers will understand more clearly the hard work and sense of mission that goes into producing the magazine..."
and wait for my favourite bit...
"Fashion is so often presented in the culture as a thing of froth, which, of course, it is; but the bubbles are blown with care and a sense of values. Likewise Fashion's Night Out. Frivolity must have its foundations."
Whatever you say about Ms Wintour - don't say that she lacks a sense of humour - she wore Prada to the premiere of the The September Issue ;)
PS I must admit I headed straight for the article on Hugh Jackman in A Steady Rain...