"Imitation" Louis Vuitton heels @ Siren Shoes
This might sound stuck up and elitist, but I don't think it is. Why buy poorly made, generic fake items when you could spend your money trawling vintage shops? A leather bag that was made in the 70s and carefully looked after is more unique and of better quality than something picked up from Parklea Markets. If vintage isn't your thing, on-trend, quality purchases can be made at Jay Jays, Target, Sussan etc. Or my personal favourite - Cotton On [especially for underwear & basic wrap style tops].
Five more reasons not to buy fake designer gear:
1. Pleather. PVC is not leather.
2. Don't even get me started on trademark law...
3. Be honest with yourself - even if no one else knows it is fake - you will.
4. Louis Vuitton [real or fake] is generally overrated. Especially the Sprouse stuff, sorry. That said, there's a silky leopard/LV print scarf I've got my eye on. [No really...]
5. As I said in an earlier post, part of the joy of buying an investment piece is the experience of the purchase. Bartering a dodgy Thai stallholder out of 50 cents does not an experience make.
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