[The Paris end of Canberra according to Mr Paul Keating (wearer of Italian suits and inspiration of ironic musicals)]
Canberra newbies (read: brand new graduates) will have heard of Silo bakery in Kingston... but they may not be aware of just how hard it is to actually get there. Geographically - its easy - Giles street Kingston. But don't turn up on Sunday --- its closed. Or monday --- its closed. Or any afternoon after 4 --- its closed. And don't try booking on a saturday morning (they don't take them). And don't try ordering coffee (a friend advises that there is only one barista on duty... and that coffee can take up to 15 minutes).
As such the game plan is.....
1. Wake up early on a saturday morning (nursing hangover from OPH if you are a brand new grad from DFAT/Finance/Treasury etc)
2. Head down to Giles St Kingston
3. Pick up your Saturday scroll
4. Walk through Green Square to Kingston Grind, purchase coffee. Bonus points for soy milk or added coffee flavours.
5. Walk home to your lovely (if but pretentious and poorly fitted out) Kingston apartment.
6. Consume above.
7. Sigh and be glad you don't live Northside. Or in Tuggers.
Option 2... head to Silo at 7 on tuesday morning.. but the question is --- can one eat a Saturday scroll on a Tuesday? And if yes... is it the same...?
Had better ask Paul...
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