Monday, July 26, 2010

One little twilly

My little twilly came with a lot of friends.

Including a 130 page "magazine" complete with a recipe for Rhubarb Sorbet on page 98.

There are also a number of short short stories. Being a lawyer, my favourite was:

There once was a wily lawyer who bought a box or rare and expensive cigars. He had them comprehensively insured and, after smoking them, told the insurer that they had disappeared "in a series of small fires". There was no investigation.

Hermes orange.

The salesperson explained that twillys are the perfect length to wrap twice around the wrist and knot underneath.

Knotting cards explain how to tie each size Hermes scarf or twilly.


  1. Did I mention it looked awesome on Monday?

  2. Ta! It would be awesome to have them in all different colours... orange doesn't necessarily go with everything!
